Grow customer satisfaction and efficiency with rental payout automation

Grow customer satisfaction and efficiency with rental payout automation

Grow customer satisfaction and efficiency with rental payout automation


Automate payouts for confirmed bookings

Trigger payouts to rental owners when bookings are made, improving user experience and removing manual steps in your payment processes for optimal results.

Customise payout conditions per supplier

Tailor payouts for varied bookings, enhancing collaboration and efficiency with customised criteria for diverse providers in your system.

Offer early payouts for customers

Enhance customer experience by facilitating early payouts for specific suppliers, ensuring a seamless and rewarding interaction within your booking system.

With ZTLment, Agreena cut manual work on payouts by over 40%

Financial Controller at Agreena

Seamlessly get rental suppliers paid and reduce manual work with full payout automation

All you need to solve your
payout challenges


Manage everything in your central dashboard

Oversee all transactions through a central dashboard for seamless management


Automate any number of transactions

Streamline operations by automating bulk transactions with ease


AML / KYC functionality built in

Ensure AML/KYC compliance for secure transactions and trustworthy operations.

Want to know more?

© 2024 ZTLment | CVR 41801298 | FTID 22043 | Linnésgade 20A, 2.sal, 1361 Copenhagen, Denmark

© 2024 ZTLment | CVR 41801298 | FTID 22043 | Linnésgade 20A, 2.sal, 1361 Copenhagen, Denmark

© 2024 ZTLment | CVR 41801298 | FTID 22043 | Linnésgade 20A, 2.sal, 1361 Copenhagen, Denmark